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Gal Pals Delights
Your every wish is our command in the kitchen!
About the Gal Pals Company...

​​About the Founders...

​The original GalPals are the twin sisters, Angel & Suzette Cream.
They have always been known as the 'Gal Pals'.​ When they found out that they had exquisite talent in the kitchen, their love of baking took them to a whole new level. Now, these teens run their own baking company, alway​s impressing their cus​tomers.

"Customer Satisfactory is our #1 priority!" 

About delivery...

​We bake and deliver! All you have to do is leave us with at least a 14-day's notice.

​​We serve VA, WV, MD, and the DC area.

​​The way you customize it is the way we bake it!